3 Steps to Thriving In Your Business When Thriving Feels Impossible

Are you stuck? Are you feeling discouraged and want to quit on building your business? The GOOD NEWS is YOU CAN CHANGE THAT. You have the HEART and ABILITY to change whatever it is that is getting in your way of reaching your ideal customers.

Focused + Intentional Intensive is for those who want to create incredible value and transformation for their customers!

This comprehensive coaching program will have you liberated from the mindset drama that holds you back and propels you forward to reach your ideal customers with confidence and ease.

Are you struggling to put your business out into the world?

  • “Every time I think about posting about myself on social media, I want to curl up and hide”

  • “Selling gives me immediate anxiety. I’m constantly stressing about being seen as an annoying salesman.”

  • “No matter what I try, I just can’t seem to generate consistent leads.”

Grace understands the struggle of building a business

This is exactly how I felt for years trying to grow my own business with very little success before I finally said “Something has to change!”

I was tired of feeling defeated.

I was tired of trying harder and not seeing results.

I was tired of making excuses.

and I was completely done with the negative spiral that my brain often launched into when I was not able to get the results I wanted.

It was time for a change.

I finally gathered the courage to dig into my mindset and discover the self sabotaging tendencies I had when it came to not only my business, but my life as a whole. When I stopped letting my brain run around unchecked, I was able to change the script. It was then that I discovered my unique story and value that I always had within me. I was ready to take on the mindset shifts that would enable me to show up as the very best version of myself- in every area.

I designed Focused + Intentional Intensive to get women out of the thinking that sabotages their business dreams.

You see, it’s the way you think that shapes what you do and the results you generate. That’s why you have to create that shift!

… and I am here to help you do just that!

What is Included

Pre-Session Discovery + Prep Work

You’ll have the chance to start digging into your current mode of operation before our first session! This will help us make sure we make the most of our time together

Three 60-minute Coaching Sessions

We’ll meet via Zoom in personal coaching sessions to dig into your mindset, clarify your messaging, and create simple next steps for attracting your dream customers.

Follow-up Support

You’ll also have a week of unlimited email support for feedback and spot-coaching so you can continue to feel supported and confident as you take intentional action in your business

3 Coaching Sessions in the Focused + Intentional Intensive

Session 1

Powering Up Your Thinking

What you think about yourself and your business shapes everything that you do. Together we will discover how your mindset is creating your current result and how we can intentionally shape those thoughts to generate the results you long for.

Session 2

Discovering Your Story

You have an incredible gift + a one-of-a-kind message that your dream customers NEED! We are going to dive in together to find the right words to reach them right where they are. You’ll leave this session with a clear story and “why” that will shape everything you do in business.

Session 3

Creating A Plan

How are you showing up and inviting customers to experience working with you? We will create a plan for speaking directly to the heart of your customers, showing that you understand their struggles and can they can trust you to provide the solutions they are longing for. You’ll walk away with a clear action plan so you always know what to do and when!

Are you ready to stop feeling defeated about your business and start sharing your valuable message with with the world?

Book your Focused + Intentional Intensive below, and let’s move forward together.


$297 USD